japan Sone

Daily Videos[04.01.11] One of the best Gee & other SNSD songs parody by Japanese SONES ~

Friday, April 01, 2011fanstaengoo

Yeah, we have seen a lot of covers and parodies of SNSD songs by SONES & other variety celebrities ..Here we have some videos to share with you guys. These videos probably are some of the best cover of Gee & other SNSD songs that you ever have seen ^^
This group of people are J-SONES  living in Tokyo and calling themselves Endou Jidai (遠藤時代).They came together and made one of the best parody cover of SNSD 'Gee' i ever seen! I personally thinks that these guys & Girls  are really Jjiang & skilful! Daebak, because they even wore HEELS! HIGH HEELS to dance!!! And they are so good and synchronized and they even performed on stage in Shibuya music hall! OMG ~ I'm totally impressed with them! *clap clap* for them ! Let's watch it now~~

Videos credit to 
Posted by Fantaengoo& snsdlife@snsd-life.blogspot.com

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