
{NEWS} Girls′ Generation Bring in the NYPD

Saturday, February 04, 2012snsdlife

The New York police had to come in to stop the girls from getting trampled over by 1,300 fans during their first American fansigning.
Girls′ Generation held its first fansigning event in America on February 2 in front of the Best Buy in New York′s Union Square.

1,300 local fans swarmed to the scene, and blocked up the streets. The New York police had to come in the night before for the safety of the fans who stayed up all night in front of the venue, and Best Buy also had to close its doors for the day.

An official from Best Buy said through SM Entertainment on February 4, "We′ve held a lot of fansigning events up to now, but this is the first time since Lady Gaga came that we had to close our doors for the fans′ safety."
This day, the members of Girls′ Generation greeted and shook hands with all of the fans gathered for about an hour and a half, and also comforted fans who burst in tears at the sight of them.

Jessica, however, had to return to Korea for her filming of Wild Romance, and did not attend the event.

Girls′ Generation appeared on the main American television channels CBS, ABC and NBC, and held interviews and a meet and greet event with America′s most influencial club officials, radio DJs, broadcasting officials and promoters. The fansigning event was the last event of the group′s promotion in America.

Photo credit to SM Entertainment
News Article credit to enewsworld

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