interest SNSD

Daily Interest [10.03.10] Do you believe in fate ? ^^

Sunday, October 03, 2010Nicholas

Hi S♡NE, as titled " Do you believe in fate" ?
Many of us might wondered fate when does it take place in our life or even exist?
However, i think fate always exist around our life and surrounded us all the time, it's just we seldom aware of it.
The Girls 'SNSD'existence also has destined fate within them, don't you think so^^?
If you don't believe it~~ Well, the great SONE showed us some awesome facts of it and the fate connection of the  Girls;

(1)Year of birth of each member
89 (Taeyeon) + 89 (Jessica) + 89(Sunny) + 89(Tiffany) + 89(Hyoyeon) + 89(Yuri) + 90(Sooyoung) + 90(Yoona) + 91(Seohyun) = 805 (Do you know the true meaning behind of this number) ^^


~~~805(August 5) is when SNSD had first debut in inkigayo and SONEs were born!

(2) The mystery power of 9, no matter what numbers multiply with number 9, eventually you will get back number 9 by suming up all the individual digit of total value
9*8=72 (7+2=9)
9*12=108=(1+0+8=18) (1+8=9)
9*56=495= (4+9+5=18) (1+8=9)
121×9=1089 (1+0+8+9=18) (1+8=9)
234×9=2106 (2+1+0+6=9)
578329×9=5204961 (5+2+0+4+9+6+1=27) (2+7=9)
482729235601 × 9 = 4344563120409 (4 + 3 + 4 + 4 + 5 + 6 + 3 + 1 + 2 + 0 + 4 + 0 + 9 = 45 (4 + 5 = 9))

until you cannot add/multiply anymore:) source wikipedia ^^ Really Jjang isn't it~~~

(3) the number of strokes of the Girls group name (소녀시대)
소 = 4 strokes
녀 = 5 strokes
시 = 3 strokes
대 = 6 strokes
---------------------- +
소녀시대 = 18 strokes.

If we sum up each number.
1 + 8, we will got 9. Again the power of 9 showing up. 9 Girls ^^

(4) Again another superb observation by the fans,

Among the Girls, 6 of them were born in 1989,while 2 were born in 1990,and 1 was born in 1991.
(89 x 6) + (90 x 2) +91 = 805~~~~ hohohohoh

It's really fascinating to see these facts right, do you believe in fate now? ^___^

OK~~ next here are the latest news video of the Girls 'Genie' MV featured in 3D view, the colloboration of Korean Electronics giang 'Samsung' , SM entertainment, and the one of the century Greatest director of the few greatest movie like 'Terminator (1984), 
'Titanic (1997) & latest  'Avatar (2009' ,  James Cameron. Let watch some preview scene of it now~~

videos credit to
x0loveJeTi & taeng022

All these great Facts thanks to (wildcats 1204,QWI09,iwanttodreamwithyouforever@soompi)
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